
Comments from our audience

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"It was the most amazing show i have ever seen... i bought myself a beer before the show and opened it, BUT didnt take a sip until it was over". Spectator at Oka Show (Sculpture on the Peninsula 2009)


I'm still awe-inspired by your incredible talent and how you utilize your bodies in performance. You both are totally my heroes
- Nikki Patin


Family-friendly entertainment stretches across Festivale 2009's weekend with street performers (keep an eye out for favourites Twintastic/Twisty Twinz and The Ferret Guy)....
Excerpt from an editorial review by Michelle Ho


I have never been to a show three times... but the Butler is such an amazing show I am going to come back for a forth time!
- audience member


The most complex movements or postures look so simple and easy. Well done girls!
- audience member


The kids loved your workshop, even the principal could not resist to participate.
- Manaia School workshop


The Butler show..... "We came with no expectations and left speechless!"
- Olly and Francene


"You know how sometimes when you see couples perform they have a certain energy between them..... well you both had this magic energy between you -you really stood out!"
-Audience member from The Butler show.


" This troupe doesn't need artificial special effects- they are the special effects!" - Judith Paviel


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